
Review of Potential Police Liability Issues (risk exposure assessments and pre-loss consultations)

Interim Chief of Police (assisting with selection process)

Executive Coaching (setting objectives and goals, mission development, public relations, time management, stress management, improved productivity through interpersonal skills, administrative assistance)

Management Audits of Rural Police Departments (on-site management assistance to help agencies mitigate their risk exposures through modification of their policies and practices)

Evidence Room Audits (an essential component of police agencies, the evidence room’s primary responsibility is to protect the integrity of all property and evidence items received, including the maintenance of inventory records, a crucial role in the chain of custody)

Pre-Employment Background Investigations

Departmental Policy and Procedure Review

Internal Affairs Investigations and Reporting (conduct thorough, well documented investigations into matters that already have or are likely to result in litigation)

Expert Testimony in Criminal and Civil Matters

Public Information and Community Relations

Conference Speaker:
- “Verbal Judo: Dealing Effectively with Confrontational People”
– “Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn’t”
– “Background Checks – Don’t let their past ruin your future!”
– “Active Shooter Response Training” – schools, workplace

On-site Training:
– Sexual Harassment / Hostile Work Environment
– Pre-Employment background checks
– Skid Car Proactive Driver Training
– Verbal Judo
– Active Shooter Response Training – schools, workplace